Mary's Kitchen i Nuuk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GrønlandMary's Kitchen



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43, H.J. Rinkip Aqqutaa, 3900, Nuuk, GL Groenlandia
kontakter telefon: +299 22 17 11
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.1774419, Longitude: -51.7303651

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rodney Muller


    Mary's Kitchen is a Jewel, a real Gem. I spent 6 days in Nuuk Greenland and the first night ate at the Hotel but then I discovered Mary's, what a super spot, Mary and here team prepare and serve just the best food at really good prices in very pleasant and comfortable surroundings, they don't have a huge menu but you can certainly find a different main meal every night for a couple of weeks. I found the meal sizes where very adaquate cooked to perfection with lovely flavours along with good presentation and quite a quick turn around. Mary is a sweety she is a hard working, driven little lady with great entrepreneurial skills and will go along way in the future she is always up for a chat and is well versed in the ways of the world I would not hesitate in recommending this restuarant as a top spot to eat in Nuuk. Rod from Australia

  • da

    Hans Karl Lundblad


    Lang vente tid, ikke så mange så man skal købe 2

  • Jesper Øraker

    Jesper Øraker


    Really good food 😋

  • it

    Paola Busi


    Ristorante adatto sia alle famiglie con bambini che ai gruppi di amici

  • da

    Jens Tolstrup


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